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Abdominal Therapy
in Belize

What is Abdominal Therapy?

This treatment focuses on deep abdominal and fascial integration which assists general circulation and improves your all-around health and well-being. It’s so much more than a belly rub!

Based upon the teachings of Dr. Rosita Arvigo who dedicated more than 40 years to creating an extensive body of knowledge and therapeutic techniques, Practitioners of the Abdominal Therapy Collective offer these techniques all over the world.

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Was ist Maya Abdominal-Therapie?

This technique is performed externally by gently guiding and supporting organs back into their optimal position, allowing for improved functioning for optimal health and wellness.

Abdominal Therapy according to the teachings of Dr. Rosita Arvigo is best known for addressing misalignment or congestion in the female and male reproductive organs, as well as many common digestive disorders.


This techniques help to restore the body to its natural balance by correcting the position of organs that have shifted and to improve the vital flows of energy, blood, lymph and nerves in the abdomen.  They address and can release emotional and energetic tension.  This assists to prevent the progression of chronic disease symptomatology while improving the body’s ability to self repair and balance.

Abdominal Therapy supports and enhances health and wellness throughout the life cycle for women, men, and children

The Beauty of this work is that you are not dependent on me as your therapist; you can do a lot of the healing work with your own hands and perform Your Abdominal Massage "YAM" by yourself.

First session either starting on Zoom or in person

  • We will get to know each other before your hands-on treatment via one and one Zoom-session for a

  • Comprehensive review of your personal health history & health care goals

  • I will teach you Your Abdominal Massage (YAM) online

  • Based on your needs I will give you recommendations to support your health that may include:

  • To wear a Faja (a traditional lower abdomen supportive wrap)

  • Bajos (a traditional herbal pelvic steam bath of the Maya)

  • Castor oil packs and Lifestyle education

  • Fertility improvement education

  • To prepare for the Zoom meeting please download the


  • fill it out and return it to me the day before our session

Session on the table

  • This includes the upper and lower abdominal massage focused on aligning pelvic & abdominal organs and to help improve circulation to abdominal organs

  • Massage to the back, hips and sacrum to encourage optimal alignment.

  • Neuro-muscular massage to mid and lower back muscles

  • Corrections to sacral and pelvic structures

  • Review of the Self Care massage which is very important to enhance your healing process.

  • I will work with you to address your specific needs and may suggest a course of treatments. Typically, 3 professional sessions are required to address most conditions.

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Herbs are healing and regenerative, but they have no hands. (Rosita Arvigo)

Eva Maria Sengfelder is a certified Abdominal Therapy Practitioner with advanced training in women’s wellness applications.

She has offered clients relief from discomforts caused by stressful or active lifestyles, traumatic accidents and surgeries. She is passionate about educating her clients; wherever they happen to be on their life journey  so  they are more informed about their wellness and feel more empowered to make better choices for themselves – to benefit their personal wellness today and the wellness of the generations that follow.  She is looking forward to working with you.

Eva is a founding member and educator of the 


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