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Wisdom-Classes 2025

Spiritual Healing addresses the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects of our lives. The Maya healing system, for thousands of years, looked at the body as a whole.

 If you have been to a number of clinics or health care practitioners who have been unable to help, you may benefit from spiritual healing. Common symptoms that defy diagnosis such as: recurring nightmares, unrelieved grief, relentless sadness or emotional upset after trauma are often resolved with this method.

Modern medicine is beginning to recognize the healing wisdom of the Maya and other ancient cultures. Numerous studies have underlined the link between unresolved emotional and spiritual stress with high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, and digestive problems.

You will learn grounding exercises, ancient prayers from Don Elijio and common plants from around the world to use at home for physical and spiritual healing. You will have a spiritual bath every day and learn to give them to your family, friends and clients. All faiths and belief systems are welcome.

Every class ends with a Sacred Maya Primicia!

Wisdom of  Water, Plants and Prayer - Part 1
at Arco Iris Farm, Home of Rainforest Remedies
 in Belize, February 27 to March 6, 2025
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Instructors: Eva Sengfelder

 and Dr. Jennifer Karon, ND

This class is contraindicated in Pregnancy!

Price: $2,250.00
Deposit: $550.00


Our maestro, Don Elijio Panti often said, “The machines won’t show a sickness.”

Often treatment is directed at physical signs and symptoms, overlooking underlying emotional and spiritual causes. We have learned that treating the physical symptoms alone cannot always heal people.

In this class you will learn to use water, plants, incense and prayer in spiritual baths to alleviate common physical, emotional and spiritual ailments of post traumatic stress disorders that healers of Central America have termed Susto (fright), Pesar (grief), Invidia (envy) and Tristeza (sadness).

Wisdom of Water, Plants and Prayer, Part 2
at Arco Iris Farm, Home of Rainforest Remedies
in Belize, with Dr. Rosita Arvigo
March 13 - 20, 2025

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Instructors: Dr. Rosita Arvigo

and Eva Sengfelder

This class is contraindicated in Pregnancy!

Price: $2,250.00
Deposit: $550.00


Learn more spiritual ailments i.e. night terrors, dispelling dark and dense energy, chakra balancing, pendulum work, making flower essences, amulet making, guided imagery and daily spiritual baths.

You’ll deepen your knowledge and understanding of ancient spiritual techniques such as:

  • Exchange experiences and challenges.

  • Learn more spiritual ailments e.g. Night terrors

  • Lost souls, ghosts or spirits who are trapped and need help

  • Unemployed Spirits - Maldad

  • Additional modalities: Flower essences.

  • Use of a pendulum for chakra balancing and more.

  • There will be time for amulet making and daily spiritual baths.

  • The week culminates with a sacred Maya Primicia.

Wisdom Keepers Retreat, Part 3
at Arco Iris Farm Home of Rainforest Remedies
in Belize,with Dr. Rosita Arvigo
March 27 to April 3, 2025
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Deepen your own spiritual practice while basking in the tropical sun on Arco Iris Permaculture Farm, home of Rainforest Remedies, in Cayo District, Belize.

This class is open to anyone who has taken Wisdom of Water, Plants and Prayers 1 and 2, or the Advanced class, based on the spiritual healing teachings of Don Elijio Panti and Dr. Rosita Arvigo.


Learn more tools to dispel negative energy, e.g. an egg cleansing ritual, exchange experiences and challenges and enjoy your daily spiritual baths.


More detailed information will be posted closer to the class dates.

Instructors: Dr. Rosita Arvigo

and Eva Sengfelder

This class is contraindicated in Pregnancy!

Price: $2,250.00
Deposit: $550.00


Wisdom of  Water, Plants and Prayer, Part 1
in Kalafationes, Corfu, Greece
with Vivian Menjivar and Eva Sengfelder
June 5- 11, 2025


Instructors: Vivian Menjivar and Eva Sengfelder

This class is contraindicated in Pregnancy!


Wisdom of  Water, Plants and Prayer, Part 2
in Kalafationes, Corfu, Greece
with Vivian Menjivar
June 20-26, 2025


You will learn:

  • How to alleviate common aliments which may manifest physically,

       emotionally, or spiritually.

  • Grounding exercises.

  • How to use plants for spiritual healing.

  • How to prepare a sacred space in your home.

  • How to use a pendulum for cleansing and divination.

  • How thought forms can harm or heal

  • How to identify common spiritual disorders such as:

    • Night terrors

    • Lost souls or spirits who need help

    • Ghosts or spirits who are trapped

    • Unemployed spirits

    • Maldad

Instructors: Vivian Menjivar and Eva Sengfelder

This class is contraindicated in Pregnancy!


Eva's embrace and care is unparalleled.

The joy and heart of these women is pure magic to be around
I couldn't have asked for what i received here. It was an unpredictable gift, beyond expectation. Being in a group of women being so open and honest together, so loving with each other, is such a beautiful and healing experience. Learning from Rosita and Eva's experience, from the healing and life stories of the women in is all so profound to do in the arms of mama ceiba and embraced by the land and love and spirits here.
Andrea Maria Lazarin

This course was a beautiful, supported opening into the realms of Mayan spiritual healing. Immersed in the lush Belizean jungle we bathed ourselves in the plants, modalities and spirits of the Maya cosmology. And found spaces opening, unfolding and waiting for our arrival. Wisdom of water plants and prayers could not be more aptly named.
Erin Domagal

The Wisdom of Water, Plants and Prayers retreat with Rosita and Eva was a powerful journey from start to finish. If you are looking to learn about plant medicine in Belize or ancient Mayan spiritual practices this retreat will certainly get you there. They provided our group with transformational week of learning and healing, going beyond my expectations. Rosita is a wonderful story teller and a complete wealth of information!! I highly recommend.
Sasha Campbell
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